Publicado en Didactic Unit

Primary education objectives

Art.7 (126/2014):

  1. To know and appreciate the values and norms of coexistence, to learn to act in accordance to them, to prepare for the active exercise of citizenship and to respect human rights, as well as the pluralism proper to a democratic society.
  2. Develop individual and team work habits, effort and responsibility in the study, as well as self-confidence, critical sense, personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity in learning, and entrepreneurship.
  3. To acquire skills for the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts, enabling them to operate independently in the family and the home, as well as in the social groups with which they relate.
  4. To know, understand and respect different cultures and differences between people, equal rights and opportunities for men and women and non-discrimination of persons with disabilities.
  5. To know and use in an appropriate manner the Spanish language and, if any, the co-official language of the Autonomous Community and to develop reading habits.
  6. To acquire, in at least one foreign language, the basic communication skills to enable them to express and understand simple messages and to function in everyday situations.
  7. To develop basic mathematical skills and to begin to solve problems requiring elementary operations of calculation, geometrical knowledge and estimates, as well as being able to apply them to the situations of their daily lives.
  8. Knowledge of the fundamental aspects of the natural sciences, social sciences, geography, history and culture.
  9. Initiate the use of Information and Communication Technologies for learning by developing a critical attitude to the messages they receive and develop.
  10. To use different representations and artistic expressions and to begin building visual and audiovisual proposals.
  11. To value hygiene and health, to accept one’s own body and that of others, to respect differences and to use physical education and sport as a means to promote personal and social development.
  12. To know and value the animals closest to the human being and to adopt behaviors that favor its care.
  13. To develop their affective capacities in all areas of the personality and in their relations with others, as well as an attitude against violence, prejudice of any kind and sexist stereotypes.
  14. Promote road education and respectful attitudes that have an impact on road accident prevention.

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